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St. Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church

PO Box 67
Ireland, IN 47545
Phone: (812)482-7041

Parish Contacts

Bereavement Meals

Sherri Hartley 812-482-7041

Church Decorations

Janet Schitter 812-482-3500 and Gina Scherle 812-630-5938

Finance Council

Audrey Wehr 812-639-3393

Ireland K of C Grand Knight

Adam Schmitt-812-639-1784

Ireland K of C Building Rental

Allen Reckelhoff 812-631-4449


Prayer Line

Bev Himsel 812-639-1384

St. Anne’s Society

Margaret Brescher 812-630-9485

St. John Bosco

Catherine Berghoff-812-639-4227