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Upcoming Parish Events

January 26th-Liturggy of the Word  in the lower level during the 10:00am Mass.  This is open to potty-trained 3 year olds through 1st grade.

January 27th-Bible Study in the lower level after Mass.  Will start with a light meal at 6:45pm. Bring your friends.

February 1st- Trivia Night – doors open at 5:30pm.  Trivia starts at 6:30pm Register by call or text 812-661-7771.  Cost is $120.00 for a table of 8.

February 2nd-Rosary Devotion at 3:00pm in church.

February 3rd-Bible Study in the lower level of Church after Mass.  Will start with a light meal at 6:45pm.  Bring your friends.

February 11th-St. Anne Meeting after Mass

February 13th Red Cross Blood Drive Noon-6:00pm

February 15-17th-TEC

February 16th-SAVIO at 6:00pm in the Social Hall



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